Wardrobe Diva – Enjoy millions of the latest Android apps, games, music, movies, TV, books, magazines & more. Anytime, anywhere, across your devices.

Wardrobe Diva

Enjoy millions of the latest Android apps, games, music, movies, TV, books, magazines & more. Anytime, anywhere, across your devices.

Wardrobe Diva screenshot 0Wardrobe Diva screenshot 1Wardrobe Diva screenshot 2Wardrobe Diva screenshot 3

This app is a MUST have for all Wardrobe Divas. This app will allow the Wardrobe Diva to photograph her wardrobe and through a few drop down menus categorize and store images. No more trying to remember all that is in her wardrobe collection at home. In addition while out shopping this app can be used as a “wish list” for future additions that the Diva wants or must have to add to her wardrobe collection.

This app also allows the Wardrobe Diva the ability to personalize the app to her liking by changing and or deleting category names or even using the app as a way to price shop her favorite found wardrobe items while out and about.

The Wardrobe Diva will also want to check out the rest of our Diva Apps which include Accessories Diva, Makeup Diva, Purse Diva and Shoe Diva.

Diva Apps – How the DIVA makes it Work

See detail information and download apk file: https://goo.gl/pvw0KH

Factory Outlets: US NorthEast – Here is the ultimate must-have Outlet Mall directory of the NorthEast of the US!

Factory Outlets: US NorthEast

Here is the ultimate must-have Outlet Mall directory of the NorthEast of the US!

Factory Outlets: US NorthEast screenshot 0Factory Outlets: US NorthEast screenshot 1Factory Outlets: US NorthEast screenshot 2Factory Outlets: US NorthEast screenshot 3Factory Outlets: US NorthEast screenshot 4

400 Brands in 41 Factory Outlet Malls in the NorthEast of the US.

Ever got lost while trying to get to a Factory Outlet Mall? Do you live in the US? Are you an international tourist on a shopping adventure in the US?

400 Brands in 41 Factory Outlet Malls are accessible to you at the palm of your hand.
States covered are: CT,MA,ME,NH,NJ,NY,PA,VT

Key benefits of the app include:
– Turn-by-Turn directions with live traffic updates on your GPS-enabled phone
– URL link to each Factory Outlet Store
– Updated sales, special offers and coupons for each Factory Outlet Mall. URL link to current coupons for each Factory Outlet, giving the user additional savings over and beyond the existing in-store promotions.
– Each Outlet Mall is searchable by State, by Outlet Name and by Brand
– A complete collection of 400 Brands in 41 Outlet Malls

Check out the screen shots below. Never ever get lost again while on your way to great shopping deals at the Factory Outlet Malls of the NorthEast.

Try our free demo app first at market.android.com/details?id=appinventor.ai_marc1i.FOParadise_demo&feature=search_result.
The demo app gives you an actual experience of all of the app’s key benefits and features with 4 demo factory outlets

Download apk file: https://goo.gl/j81wnV

Amazing Deal Tracker – Deal Watcher saves your time when you are saving your money!

Amazing Deal Tracker

Deal Watcher saves your time when you are saving your money!

Amazing Deal Tracker screenshot 0Amazing Deal Tracker screenshot 1Amazing Deal Tracker screenshot 2Amazing Deal Tracker screenshot 3

Are you tired of browsing all the deal sites everyday to find your new HDTV deal? If you are, this small application is for you.

This is the APP which can help you search deals in the site like dealsea/fatwallet/dealcatcher/dealnews/techbargains and so on. If there is a new more deal found with your keyword, you will get notified.

Following features are highlighted:
1. Keyword search on the most famous deal websites.

2. You get notified when new deal comes.

3. Multiple keywords allowed for deal tracking.

Your feedback is highly appreciated for the improvement of this application! If you encounter any problem in using this soft please email to subo.sui@gmail.com.

See more information: https://goo.gl/tQBDyk

꽃집찾기 플라워샵 – 꽃배달 할인, 주변꽃집찾기 – Enjoy millions of the latest Android apps, games, music, movies, TV, books, magazines & more. Anytime, anywhere, across your devices.

꽃집찾기 플라워샵 - 꽃배달 할인, 주변꽃집찾기

Enjoy millions of the latest Android apps, games, music, movies, TV, books, magazines & more. Anytime, anywhere, across your devices.

꽃집찾기 플라워샵 - 꽃배달 할인, 주변꽃집찾기 screenshot 0꽃집찾기 플라워샵 - 꽃배달 할인, 주변꽃집찾기 screenshot 1

항상 고객님을 먼저 생각하며 친철한 서비스로 고객님의 마음을 전달하겠습니다.


* 상품검색(꽃바구니,꽃상자,근조화환,축하화환,동양란,서양란,관엽화분

* 꽃주문시 할인

* 종류별 상품검색
-꽃바구니, 꽃다발, 꽃상자, 100송이장미, 동양란, 서양란
-쌀화환, 축하화환, 근조화환, 관엽화분, 분재, 공기정화식물

* 용도별 상품검색
-사랑고백, 생일기념일, 결혼식/회갑연/고희연/행사, 개업/이전
-승진/취임식/영전, 전시/연주회/발표회, 출산/병문안, 집들이

* 가격별 검색가능

* 취급품목








* 어플에서 바로주문 및 카드결제 가능

* 전화주문 버튼만 누르면 콜센터와 바로연결

* 주문한 상품의 배송정보 및 처리내역을 내주문에서 확인가능

* 꽃이야기 및 식물관리요령 정보제공

* 편리한 기념일계산기 기능

* 전국500여개 우수꽃집(플라워샵) 체인점 구축

* 꽃집전용 싸이월드/네이버블로그/네이버카페 운영

* 카카오톡/네이트온 무료주문 계정 오픈

* 전국2~3시간배송

* 배송가능지역



















연세대, 고려대, 성애, 용인정신, 우신향, 청구성심, 희명, 제일의료재단, 성모, 성바오로, 중앙의료원, 경희한방, 고려, 성심, 우신, 제일, 삼성, 건국대, 건양, 경찰, 경희의료원, 광혜, 의원, 국군서울, 국군수도, 국군창동, 김포, 중앙, 남서울, 을지, 대림성모, 대성, 대한, 덕산종합, 동신, 동서울, 동작순천향, 명지, 방지거,백, 복음, 상계백, 서부, 기독, 위상, 적십자, 시립동부, 보라매, 서대문, 아동, 차, 성애, 신라, 안세, 세브란스, 영동, 원자력, 의료원, 이화여자, 자생한방, 부속용산, 한강, 한국, 보훈, 한림, 한양, 한일, 혜민, 혜성, 홍익

새로나, 신세계, 아크리스, 애경, 태능, 태평, 완구, 스토아, 해태, 현대, 경남, 광주, 국민, 기업, 농협중앙회, 대구, 부산, 서울, 시티, 신한, 외환, 우체국, 전북, 제일, 제주, 조흥, 주택, 평화, 하나, 한미, 한빛, 국민, 다이너스, 동양, 비씨, 엘지, 올앳, 나이아가라, 뉴월드, 뉴힐탑관광, 롯데, 르네상스, 리버사이드, 리젠트, 리츠칼튼, 마가레트, 맨하탈, 메트로, 미라보, 부림, 빅토리아, 사보이, 삼정, 서교, 세종, 센추럴, 센트로, 소피텔앰베서더, 스위스그랜드, 신라, 아미가, 아스토리아, 엘루이, 영동, 이스턴, 해밀턴, 인턴콘티비탈, 조선, 크라운관광, 타워, 팔래스, 퍼시픽, 풍전, 프라자, 프린스, 플라자, 하얏트

갈대, 개나리, 거베라, 과꽃, 극락조, 군자란, 금어초, 나팔꽃, 능소화, 네모필라, 남천, 나리, 단풍, 달맞이꽃, 담쟁이덩쿨, 데이지, 도라지, 동백, 들국화, 디기탈리스, 라일락, 레몬, 루피너스, 러시안사스, 마가목, 마로니에, 매화, 맨드라미, 모란, 목련, 목화, 무궁화, 무화과, 물망초, 미모사, 민들레, 밤나무, 밤안개, 백일홍, 백합, 벚꽃, 베고니아, 복숭아, 봉선화, 뽕나무, 불로초, 붓꽃, 사과나무, 샤프란, 산세베리아, 살구, 샐비어, 석류, 선인장, 셀렘, 소나무, 소철, 수국, 스토크, 시클라엔, 아나나스, 아네모네, 아도니스, 이스파라거스, 아이리스, 아이비, 아잘레아, 안개꽃, 양귀비, 에델바이스, 연꽃, 은방울꽃,
은행나무, 올리브, 유채꽃, 자스민, 접시, 진달래, 제비꽃, 자목련, 종려, 쟁채송이, 천일홍, 철쭉, 참나무, 카네이션, 칸나, 코스모스, 크레마티스, 클로버, 태산목, 탱자, 튜베로즈, 튤립, 트리토마, 파슬리, 파초, 패랭이꽃, 팬지, 포인세티아, 포플러, 프리지아, 하이비스커스, 할미꽃, 해당화, 해바라기, 해송, 향나무, 황철쭉, 휘닉스야자, 하이신스

See more information and download apk file for your android phone: https://goo.gl/bCNWH5

Aznar Innova – Meet the new application Aznar Innova.

Aznar Innova

Meet the new application Aznar Innova.

Aznar Innova screenshot 0Aznar Innova screenshot 1Aznar Innova screenshot 2Aznar Innova screenshot 3Aznar Innova screenshot 4

Meet the new application Aznar Innova. With it you can see the clothes of our and collection.

In Aznar Innova SA design, market and distribute lingerie, nightwear and swimwear.

Our designs are operated from the creative inspiration, fresh, intimate and full of complicity.

Our innovative and future philosophy makes enthusiastic energy to maintain the same year after year in the new collections and, thus consolidating our experience and constant evolution in each of the designs and products we create.

We are prepared to meet your needs, your tastes and your feelings, to move with them, to live with them and adapt to them.

We are specialists in the field of lingerie and underwear with years of experience. So we identify with the idea of creating our products from the perspective of the quality, design and innovation.

Detail information and download apk file for android: https://goo.gl/CTFe0a

SavingsInOC Coupon App – Smart Savings On the Go from SavingsInOC for in Orange County,CA. zip code 92606

SavingsInOC Coupon App

Smart Savings On the Go from SavingsInOC for in Orange County,CA. zip code 92606

SavingsInOC Coupon App screenshot 0SavingsInOC Coupon App screenshot 1

SavingsInOC is a mobile couponing application for consumers in Orange County, California, powered by Qwoosh. SavingsInOC utilizes state-of-the-art geolocation capabilities of your smartphones to bring you relevant offers from retailers near zip code 92606. Start saving and get Smart Savings On the Go with SavingsInOC.

Download apk file for your android phone: https://goo.gl/EDFzAQ

Discount Calculator – Want to know how much you can save? Discount Calculator will help you!!

Discount Calculator

Want to know how much you can save? Discount Calculator will help you!!

Discount Calculator screenshot 0Discount Calculator screenshot 1

Best Discount Calculator ever!

Out shopping and see an item on sale?

Quickly determinate how much you will save and what the final price will be after applying the store’s discount with Discount Calculator.

You can use this app for calculate discounts and percentages.

Discount Calculator is helpful for shopping and is the perfect couple for shoppers who loves promotions.

Discount Calculator also is worth for calculate tips

…and of course, it will help you to save money.

See more information and download apk file for android: https://goo.gl/MvUpRu

Fridge Friend Lite – Enjoy millions of the latest Android apps, games, music, movies, TV, books, magazines & more. Anytime, anywhere, across your devices.

Fridge Friend Lite

Enjoy millions of the latest Android apps, games, music, movies, TV, books, magazines & more. Anytime, anywhere, across your devices.

Fridge Friend Lite screenshot 0Fridge Friend Lite screenshot 1Fridge Friend Lite screenshot 2

Hate when you spend the money on produce and then open the fridge days later to see that it’s gone bad? Don’t let your perishable items go to waste! With Fridge Friend, you can organize the groceries in your refrigerator and see which ones need to be used first. It pays for itself with the first item you save! Fridge Friend is also great for seeing what groceries you have when you’re on the go, taking the guess work out of shopping and recipe planning.

This is the ad-supported free version of Fridge Friend. If you like this app, please considering purchasing the full version to support further development. Thanks!

– Quickly see which items you need to use soon with the color coded display.
– Use the preferences menu button to customize when an item will appear as yellow or red.
– Add new items to your fridge with as little or as much information as you’d like.
– Use and customize locations to find those items hiding in the back.
– Long Click on an item and use the Recipe Search to do a web search for recipes using that item.

Download apk file: https://goo.gl/MtYWxx

Malaysia Mobile Coupon – You can save more in your shopping when you shop with Malaysia Mobile Coupon app

Malaysia Mobile Coupon

You can save more in your shopping when you shop with Malaysia Mobile Coupon app

Malaysia Mobile Coupon screenshot 0Malaysia Mobile Coupon screenshot 1Malaysia Mobile Coupon screenshot 2Malaysia Mobile Coupon screenshot 3

Imagine if you had an app that gave you the biggest shopping sales and deal around your local town areas at your finger tips!

Not only that, but this app let’s you know of the latest shopping promotion that will help you save tons of money via mobile coupon.

This app is build by a group of shopping and tech savvy fanatics, so you’ll always have the latest and greatest Malaysia Mobile Coupon deal immediately.

Grab your Malaysia Mobile Coupon app TODAY!

Detail information and download apk file: https://goo.gl/FZnW36

kiibly annunci – Enjoy millions of the latest Android apps, games, music, movies, TV, books, magazines & more. Anytime, anywhere, across your devices.

kiibly annunci

Enjoy millions of the latest Android apps, games, music, movies, TV, books, magazines & more. Anytime, anywhere, across your devices.

kiibly annunci screenshot 0kiibly annunci screenshot 1kiibly annunci screenshot 2kiibly annunci screenshot 3kiibly annunci screenshot 4

Annunci gratuiti dal tuo telefonino Android
Cerca il tuo affare fra migliaia di annunci divisi per categorie,consultabile online.
Filtro ricerca per regione e provincia.
Possibilità di contattare il venditore
Solo annunci selezionati con immagine,quindi ricordati che se vuoi apparire qui devi inserire almeno un’immagine significativa.

See more information and download apk file for your android phone: https://goo.gl/dWQCiS